Ascaso Dream UP V2.0 Espresso Machine
Ascaso Dream UP V2.0 Espresso Machine
The Ascaso Dream UP V2.0 Espresso Machine comes in four different vibrant colors that complement its snazzy retro design. The machine is built with an aluminum thermoblock that assures quick warm up times and adequate temperature stability. With a stainless steel interior pipe, the thermoblock is less likely to accumulate limescale deposits from magnesium and calcium — giving your espresso machine a longer lifespan.
This newly upgraded version is also equipped with a microprocessor that is designed to constantly fill the thermoblock with the water in the reservoir, therefore generating continuous steam until the reservoir is nearly drained.
The steam valve design is enhanced with the addition of compression steam valves that features a rubber gasket that shuts off the steam and water valve. With this design overhaul, limescale buildup is further prevented compared to previous models.
- Simple to Use Controls - Flip on the center power switch to begin heating up the boiler. Two more professional grade rocker switches now let you control the steam function (far left) and the coffee brew control (far right). A series of indicator lights inform you when the machine is powered up, and when it is at the proper temperature for either brewing espresso or frothing milk.
- Temperature Gauge - The front mounted temperature gauge monitors the temperature of the boiler in both coffee mode and steam mode. read in Celsius.
- Frothing Tip for Perfect Foam - Like magic, the wand will make perfect foam. In an instant, the steam wand converts the milk in your 12 or 20 oz. frothing pitcher to lovely foam for lattes and cappuccinos. Mounted on a swivel joint, the stainless steel steam wand conveniently swings aside and clean up is a snap. When frothing milk with this machine, please make sure to have the little hole in the frothing adapter positioned at the top level of the milk. Doing it this way will help aerate the milk froth.
- Quality Brewing Group - The grouphead is made of chrome plated brass. Designed after Ascaso's commercial espresso machines, the Dream UP group head evenly distributes heat and reduces hotspots for more temperature consistent espresso. It has also been designed to evenly distribute water across the coffee grounds for a better extraction.
- Three way solenoid valve - As soon as the coffee switch is turned off, the three way solenoid valve relieves the pressure built up in the grouphead. The pressurized water is reverted to the water reservoir, and this feature allows back-to-back espresso extractions without having to wait for the portafilter handle to lose pressure by itself.
- Heavy Duty Coffee Holders and Filter Baskets - Keeping with the tradition of using only commercial grade components, the Dream UP uses heavy-duty chrome plated brass coffee holders, which feature a rugged plastic handle. The same coffee holder is used for ground coffee and espresso pods. Single shot and double shot 57 mm diameter stainless steel filter baskets are included for ground coffee, and there is a pod basket for single dose ESE pods. The double shot size baskets allow you to use more ground coffee per serving for stronger espresso or cups of coffee.
- 48 oz. Water Tank - The removable water reservoir, equipped with a water level indicator, can be filled while operating or taken out and filled at the faucet. The water reservoir is located in the lower section of the machine right behind the grouphead, and the water reservoir can be removed from the right hand side - just behind the steam wand.
- 16 BAR Water Pump - The secret to a great espresso is a water pump that has the power to force water through the coffee grounds to extract the full flavor from the coffee. No worries here, you have more than enough pressure to extract the best of what your coffee has to offer.
- Drip and Cup Tray, Plus Cup Heater - The Dream UP has a polished stainless steel drip pan and chrome plated steel cup try, both easy to remove and clean. A unique scratch resistant cup-warming surface on the top of the machine lets you keep your espresso cups warm so your freshly brewed espresso does not cool too quickly once it hits the cup.
- Stainless-Lined Aluminum Thermoblock - After years of testing, the aluminum thermoblock with internal stainless steel lining of the water passage ways work remarkably well.
- Construction with Longevity In Mind - The Dream UP body is constructed of corrosion resistant aluminum for extra long life. The aluminum is then finished in a chip resistant enamel paint. Unlike most espresso machines in this class that are made of steel, the Dream UP will not rust thanks to the aluminum body. All of components that make up the construction are designed for long life and low maintenance.
- Instructional manual included: The manual will state that some accessories (i.e. pod handle) are included with the machine. This is a universal worldwide manual that encompasses all different configurations of this machine. Please note that the only accessories included are the ones listed on this web page.
- Accessories Included: Portafilter with dual spout, pressurized single and double cup filter baskets, single ESE pod basket, plastic tamper, scoop, instructional manual, cappuccino frothing attachment on machine, single hole steam tip, Ascaso coffee wash cleaner, and ground coffee kit (which includes non-pressurized double cup filter basket, adapter, screw and dispersion screen).
- Warranty: 2-year parts and labor provided by My Espresso Shop (limited to manufacturer's defect). Three years warranty on grouphead part only limited to manufacturer's defect. Wear and tear items not included.
- Measurements: 9.6" W x 13.6" H x 11" D
- Tamper size: 57mm
- Water tank: 1.3 liters
- Bodywork: Polished Aluminum (colored versions have enamel paint)
- Machine weight with portafilter on: 16.0 lbs.
- Dimensional Shipping Weight: 42 lbs.
- Voltage: 120V
- Power: 1000W
- Pump Pressure: 16 bar
- Coffee thermostat: Boiler 100º / Thermoblock 95º
- Steam thermostat 140º+ Safety Thermofuse
- Steam pipe protector / Cappuccino/hot water pipe
- Brass portafilter holder: 57mm
- Three prong plug
- Manufactured in Barcelona, Spain
In addition, the Dream UP 2.0 includes a 3 way solenoid valve, adjustable overpressure valve, and aluminum tamper. The Ascaso Dream Up Version 2 does NOT have a pipe into the drip tray on the left side. There is a black plug sealing the hole, and the three way solenoid valve returns to the reservoir. The manufacturer changed this from feedback from customers who had difficulty removing the drip tray for cleaning because the pipe was in the way. The boldest outline, a wink to the past and a best to the future. Finally, as with all Ascaso products, please note the following Return Policy for this item.